Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Back at the craft table

So, the table is in use with the first skirmish in a minor campaign as a test.  Of course, in parallel, I am working on nineteen things at once, trying to get more done before tiredness overtakes me. 

I'm pretty happy with the churchyard, now.  I wanted an uneven English style hedge and some suggestion of old gravestones.  The current tile is 90% done.

I want to add a tree beside the porch but that will be about it. I may add something on the other side of the road if only fencing or a low wall. 

I have been trying to create some tiles and stands of trees, too.  I want to be able to scatter woodland or just a few trees on the table without committing too much space. These two are a tile and half tile, the latter being designed as some kind of overgrown feature, perhaps an old redoubt or some building, swallowed by the wood.

Currently, I am working on another tree scatter in the form of a small slope, a low desert hill/ridge and a proper redoubt that can double as a foxhole.  Under consideration is a quarry. That could be a colourful challenge with steep paper mache sides and an old pool.

By contrast, I am currently painting some ancients.  I have been putting together some classic Greek armies with a mix of spearmen, auxiliary swordsmen, psiloi and light cavalry.  I have a few chariots and other troops, too so it ought to be possible to compose Spartan, Athenian and others as well as Theban for whom I have a full army count.  I also recently acquired a whole (minimal) Persian army of the period to enable that classic match up. I hope to put some of those on the table, soon.

I am planning something else for the players' next campaign.  That can wait for now to be revealed but suffice to say that colourful armies are ready and waiting in the wings.

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