Monday, 8 February 2016

Pike and Shotte Rules Test (Continued)

Using an encounter supposedly fought between the Royalist and House factions in the first Hardican Civil War, the battle was really set to test which rules I will use in the upcoming campaign.

The setting is a small village edge where the two sides have gathered to test their strength.

As the Royalist Household cavalry advanced into Deersby Grange, sharpshooters left by Kirby waited to open fire from the brush and trees.  However, the shots did no damage and moments later, the cavalry had scattered the ambushers.
Coming around a bend, the Household Cavalry were counter charged by the 1st Greysby Horse and a skirmish begun. Advancing to fire from the flank, the Duke of Cambernauld's foot loaded muskets.

Meanwhile, in the centre, a mile or so away to the north, the Royalist advance had been halted and casualties were being taken on both sides as fire and melee were exchanged.
The Greysby 2nd horse had charged off Trumballs Hill in the hope of scattering Lord Farchester's muskets but they had held. Farchester's horse had then come in on the Greysby flank but the experienced horsemen were still fighting on.
South of this, Hopton's Greens, the Minton Horse had charged and been countered by Lord Cambernauld's horse, a melee now in full swing while to their right, the Penfield Light Horse having charged the Maidenpool Skirmishers (Dragoons) they had also become mired in a melee but the dragoons were being pushed back and could break at any minute.

I'm enjoying the rules provided. I think they are light enough and yet at the same time have enough factors on morale, position and so on to work. I have added a couple of notes about charging off hills and into flanks.

More later as the battle is resolved.

My four players are currently tasked with deciding what forces to raise and what first moves to make in the new campaign.  Each is now in possession of a bit of rp in the form of a letter from someone which may colour their judgement.  I have been through the shelves and boxes to ensure we have plenty of resources which we do, including plenty of archers which might be a good addition.  I have used Scots Archers on several occasions and although they tire, they can be just as effective as muskets. 

Now, I need to set up a small skirmish and try the mini encounter rules I have for those.  I have been thinking of a small clash in the northern woods between French bluecoats and English red along with some local tribesmen.

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