Thursday, 11 February 2016

Test ECW battle - final stage. Setting out the rules we will use.

So Darrell came over and we went through the rules and scenario as it stood then played out the rest of it following a line of logic we both agreed the commanders would adopt;

As the bounds progressed, the pressure began to build on the Royalist forces.  First, the Maidenpool Skirmishers broke and fled with the Penfield Light Horse in pursuit. An attempt to despatch an HQ unit from the Raffham Foot to rally and halt the Penfield horse failed and they chased the Maidenpool unit off the table.

Meanwhile, the Greysby 2nd horse on the right flank refused to break under pressure from the Earl of Farchester's horse and muskets.  On Trumball's Hill, the Chalby Muskets met the Kings Own Foot head on and after blasting them, went in so hard that they pushed the better equipped unit back. On their left, the Greysby pike also progressed, shoving back the St Pauls foot with casualties.

The centre battle began to go in the Republicans' favour as Hopton's Greens pushed harder on the Duke of Cambernauld's cavalry and the Minton 5th Pike marched into the gap between the lower hill and the wood, swinging towards the royalist flank now exposed with the retreat of the Maidenpool dragoon unit.

 With the Minton 3rd Pike and Raffham Foot engaging the Winchurch Pike and Duke of Cambernauld's foot in the village, it fell to the outcome of the cavalry skirmish to swing things here. When the Household Cavalry broke and retreated, the Greysby 1st Horse just went straight after them. The Minton 3rd Pike had to take a counter to change formation but once past the pond, pressed home their attack, pushing back Cambernauld's foot.

As the royalist defence started to crumble, the Duke of Cambernauld tried to rally his St Pauls foot as they retreated. Meanwhile, Sir Arthur Laidlaw was in the centre, extolling the Greysby Pike and Chalby Muskets to greater efforts.  They pushed back the opposition again and while the muskets on the hill and below on the field fired with little effect,the royalist horse broke and were pursued and then the remaining foot units largely retreated. The Kings Own foot, finding themselves isolated pulled back in disorder. The Chalby Muskets stayed in place on Trumballs Hill, glad of some respite.  The Greysby Pike advanced after the retreating forces while the Minton 5th, having seen the cavalry flee with their own horse giving chase now moved in to help clean up.

That prompted a final alarum from the Royalists who set about extracting what they could. The valiant Greysby 2nd Horse rode away to the top of Trumballs Hill and raised their standard, there, allowing the Earl of Farchester's horse and muskets to run from the field after the horse unit had covered the musket retreat offering itself to the Greysby unit.

The view from Trumball's Hill looked very fine to the Republic command
And that was the battle done in 9 bounds.  The Royalist losses were not that heavy - the worst affected units probably went down by 30% on the field.  The Maidenpool Dragoons were destroyed off field and the Duke of Cambernauld's horse badly mauled.

Darrell and I packed up a lot of stuff, I trayed up a few figures that wanted repair or basing properly and we sat down for some lunch and drinks with Chrissie.  A good morning's work!

So, confirmed that we will be using John Armatys' rules with a few minor additions made during the play test.  A nice, light set of rules but one that contains all the essential elements. I prefer something less complicated for solo gaming as you can make judgements, yourself on details.  Also, I think it gives a more realistic view of the ECW where a lot of time, morale decided the outcome and casualties were not always that heavy before a unit broke, having realised it was losing and was getting hurt.  It will also help the campaign by not penalising the players by too many figures in losing a battle, provided they know when to cut their losses.

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